Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crucify me.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


You kept your darkness. And now we feel it. Today in a single file we searched for you through the thousands... To which in the end you were not there. Still unknowing to where you are or how you feel. We wish we had you. Especially the one with the golden heart. The vale of guilt that she has worn throughout these years will never leave her. To know that you fell to the glory of Him in HIS arms kills us. His wretchedness is untouchable and impossible. How could you respect the terror in your son in your arms with a short poem and no love around. :gretchen.only: We loved and he had enough soul to say no words. Lord, thank you for not letting him destroy thy temple. Thy temple has been in ruins. Now with green grass over his non existance tomb we are trying to feel peace.

Today with "pole" and boom pocket watch in hand, sweet flowers from Zinzi, Donavon, Damien, and our family we sobbed to no end. I hope to can find your endless rings and wear them with pride. If not I have a watch to watch the time I spend and a humming sound to play when I need to rest. Rest in Peace Shawn Paul Szyszka.

This is what you had.
SZYSZKA, Shawn Paul, 27, of Lutz, Fla., passed away Tuesday, August 16, 2011. He is preceded in death by his mother, Judith Szyszka and is survived by his father Friedel Szyszka; devoted Aunt Eunice Draughon and loving family and friends.
We all wished for better.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Don't hide your strength under your bones. Wear it over them. You use to. Now your bones break through your skin. And show everything you have. Like you never wanted.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Terrorized virgin.

One day we'll see eye to eye. And I'll feel the skin of the real world. I hope its warm. It's never been.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You've got the sharp shoulders and I've got the round ribs. Will I always compare in silence?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"And where is love, without absence?"
